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Views: 2297 | Added by: MKDS67 | Date: 2013-06-17 | Comments (0)

After a couple of minor set backs with the formatting process we can exclusively reveal that the second book in the 25 Book Series of "On A Storyteller's Night" has finally been released across the Amazon Platform. Filled with eleven more Crime, Gore, Horror tales that explains more about Storm Island, the Bonus Chapter allows the reader to see more into the past, and prepare for a continuation that will bring horror to a whole new level of Gore Horror.

You can get hold of "On A Storyteller's Night Book 2: The Sanctum" right ... Read more »
Views: 8174 | Added by: MKDS67 | Date: 2012-10-03 | Comments (0)

Every now and again, there will be snippets and quotes from many of the upcoming "Story-Shorts" that are due to be released and published. There will be places all around this website where you can find them, including the "Blog" pages, "Publisher" pages and "Site Info".

Though there are no prizes on offer for the finding of these "Snippets" and "Quotes", we can assure you that the reading of such pieces will best serve you - the reader. If you find any, why not share them on the "Forum" and let us know that you found it, them, those, all of 'em.
Views: 1101 | Added by: MKDS67 | Date: 2012-07-01 | Comments (0)

Before any of the Story-Shorts were started, it was necessary to find a location for the main storyline; the place had to be big, less accessible to any other territory, and it had to contain trees - lots of trees. It was a long and thoughtful search to find a place that came anywhere near the description placed upon the "Island" that I was seeking, until finally, without realising the added difficulty of entering "Bobby's Bridge" into the Pilot Novel, I stumbled across the perfect place - and it was found on Planet Earth.
All but the small 'typo' over the "Seacliffe Town", which should read and for future reference be referred to as "Seacliffe City", the Map that you are about to see is "The Isle Of Storm", aka "Storm Island".

Views: 1170 | Added by: MKDS67 | Date: 2012-06-17 | Comments (0)

In 1982, with the knowledge gathered to put together a novel, I created "Rainbow Colours: Into The Rainbow”.  The novel itself was and still is a large reflection of my life, one which I call the "True Autobiography” and one which I look back on every now and again.  Rainbow Colours was not only a book which stripped me down completely, but it was also the only one thing that gave a precise ‘Profile’ of myself, and the details of where, how and when I was brought up.

In the Autumn of 2004, to my complete approval I finished writing "Rainbow Colours 1″, some 18 years in the making and with a lot of sacrifices made, too.  By end of the last page of the last chapter in the first volume, I was ill with exhaustion, as well as under nurished, but all the same it was a major cause for a celebration.  One month after the initial completion of the first volume, I started to write Volume 2.

Due to unavoida ... Read more »

Views: 1409 | Added by: MKDS67 | Date: 2012-06-17 | Comments (0)


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