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Main » 2012 » June » 17 » Introduction To "O.A.S.N" Series
6:39 PM
Introduction To "O.A.S.N" Series

In 1982, with the knowledge gathered to put together a novel, I created "Rainbow Colours: Into The Rainbow”.  The novel itself was and still is a large reflection of my life, one which I call the "True Autobiography” and one which I look back on every now and again.  Rainbow Colours was not only a book which stripped me down completely, but it was also the only one thing that gave a precise ‘Profile’ of myself, and the details of where, how and when I was brought up.

In the Autumn of 2004, to my complete approval I finished writing "Rainbow Colours 1″, some 18 years in the making and with a lot of sacrifices made, too.  By end of the last page of the last chapter in the first volume, I was ill with exhaustion, as well as under nurished, but all the same it was a major cause for a celebration.  One month after the initial completion of the first volume, I started to write Volume 2.

Due to unavoidable circumstances, it was in the summer of 1998, when I was made redundant from the Leeds Royal Mail on Wellington Street.  I had been working for almost three years there and I was stabbed in the back by both the Letter Sorting Machine and my Union.  It was a rough time, especially as they wanted me to work until January 1st 1999, and then take my redundancy money like a man before walking away.  It was a time for reflection and weighing up my life and it was a time that urged me to think about the future.

Through 1999 I attended an Adult College at the East Leeds Family Learning Centre, South Seacroft, Leeds.  It was during this time that I took the time in the morning to type out my newest novel since "Rainbow Colours Vol. 1″.  I had the backing of the college who told me that I could work on the book and do my IT Level 1 course in the afternoon.  Within 3 months I had written what was to be one of the biggest "Anquor” points of a novel’s potential.  "Brotherhood Of The Realms” was no ordinary novel, it was the beginning of the phenominally popular "On A Storyteller Night” Story Shorts that were written for the soul intentions of publishing, but had not made the right attention needed by any publishing house.

Proud of myself for finishing the novel, I decided to gather together all the Story Shorts and blend them into "Brotherhood Of The Realm” and in certain areas I would expand the dialogue for that true feel to what the charactor’s were describing.  The writing became a permanant fixture to that of my imagination, something that only one had influenced me that way – "Rainbow Colours” – and had me churning out story after story.

By 2004, "On A Storyteller’s Night Vol. 1″ was completed and the second volume started with more than 15 chapters to each volume.  The whole writing of the second volume had me doing Volume 3, until a need to start Volume 4 came across me like a wave.  I was on fire for the next two and a half years.  Story after story emerged and submerged the pages of the new volumes.  It was rightly noted that in one single day I would be switching back and forth from one story to the other, not worrying about the outcome as I unlatched writer’s block with a calm hand.  This was the time when I thought the worst and came to think that I was in my writer’s peek area, but later found that it was a boost that I had from my Muse, and the only one thing that could have dedicated so much energy for me to carry out the writing’s that I did in such a short time.

"On A Storyteller’s Night Vol.1″ is what I refer to as my hidden talent that is awaiting exposure.  The fundamentals of writing have been rewritten in a sandbox alone to prove the theory that street-wise can also merge into society-wise, too.  The stories contained are raw, admittedly, as are all the Story Shorts and Novels that I have written either by hand or typed out with my very own fingers.  In one respect I know that the large bursts of adrenalin, sweat, blood and tears have gave birth to one of the biggest broken down novels ever to have been written.

The one question that was on everybodies mind was of how many volumes would make up the entire collection of "O.A.S.N” and the answer is 25 Volumes, each one consisting of 10 to 12 Story Shorts that are all a direct connection with "Brotherhood Of The Realms 1″.  Hard to believe that in 2008 on another WebBlog Site I released the entire "O.A.S.N Vol. 1″ letter by letter and page by page.

Visitor’s, Fans, Re-Visitor’s and Wanderer’s alike, I give you the Official BlogNovel Site for the reading of "On A Storyteller’s Night Vol. 1″.  May you enjoy your stay and adore the reading of the Story Shorts while you relax with the horror’s that lay before you.  Of course, the site is here for your reading, support and complete pleasure, but I must insist that anyone under the age of 18 contact an adult for advice.

Thank You for your time.

© Marcus Kasabian De Storm 2010

Views: 1432 | Added by: MKDS67 | Tags: marcus de storm, gore and terror, making history, into the future, through the past, death and carnage, the realms, the brotherhood, future series | Rating: 0.0/0
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