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O.A.S.N Book 3: Rising Dawn...

As the third instalment of "On A Storyteller’s Night” gets well under way, we look at the curve in the outlay, as well as seeing a more emphasised glance on the horror content. While the first three novels circulate throughout the outlets of both Kindle eBook and Paperback, the build of the fourth Story-Short is destined to be even more successful.

Rising Dawn packs a powerful punch to the world of horror, with its own unique style that unleashes a mystical beauty that is as deadly as a poisonous Rock Fish of stealth and the off-loading introductions of more residents who are to tell their tales of an island in mortal crisis. It is this that will bring the reader face to face with real fear – real psychological taunts – that will have them reaching for the bedside lamp or the sanctity of living, breathing and caring flesh that resides in a loved one to snuggle up to for the feeling of warmth and safety.

As with all horror, the flavour of one’s choice, as we have seen so many times in the past, has become the bitter sweet nocturnal Anti-Viagra of another. While many would favour King’s work over that of Koontz, others would say that the one holding the magic pen is neither the King of horror, nor the younger and wide-awake starry-eyed boy who made an impact in his own right to scare the hell out of readers. With my style of horror, however, and maybe I am being a little big headed in the tone that I use, the fundamentals of horror are based upon a personal level that only I can imagine would scare the shit out of others. Don’t get me wrong, the flavour is just as selective as that of Stephen King and Dean Koontz, and yet the whole formula is varied in direction. I am in no way insinuating that the work I do is better – or worse – than these Masters that I have nothing but respect for, but I do stake a claim that when it comes to the most inner workings of a tender mind, the horrors of experience and that of the straying imagination of childhood fears, it is On A Storyteller’s Night Series that will have many a reader breaking their stare away from darkness and shadows for fear that their very souls will be swallowed up or taken away.

In the first of its eleven chapters "Cry Of The Lamb” takes the reader back to 1745, when the island is visited upon by a stranger in search of something ancient…a key – The Key; According to legend, "The Key” was something of a mystery to the elders, and the ones who had no name – though some of The High Guard Council who still lived referred to them as The Orixis, the ones who lived on the western part of the island and who were very private in both their lives and practices. The whole idea of there being anything that resembled the description anywhere in existence upon the island – or anywhere else - was almost discarded, until one man came forward to address the elders with a very vivid description of the object.

Upon the Isle of Storm the killings and murders from both known and unknown causes were at their very height, though Sheekan’s had become the main suspects, and something that was preferred to be blamed for the gruesome deaths. Panic, fear, desperation and final options were executed, as the damaged bridge to the north eastern part of the island had become more than a focus point by most residents. As this was the way in which the stranger, Jarred Carmichael claimed he had entered upon the island, it was the bewildered faces that showed reasons why they feared the entrapment of the island cursed by the gods themselves.

It is the journey of this stranger that opens up a new storyline, one which will lead the reader into a whole new world of horror, terror and demonic manifestations that bring forward one of the most anticipated novels of the entire series – "Severed Ties: The Storyteller’s End”. Here you will find the answers for many of the unanswered questions that have been asked for a long time; where is the Island? Who are the residents? What is the plan of the gods? Where do the two bridges lead?

As some have asked whether or not "Severed Ties” would spoil this series, it is with pleasure that I say "No”, because where one door closes, so another door opens for a tale to be told. It is the continuity of the residents that will live on in the series of novels, not the storyline of one which will end it. The twists and turns that wind their way around the stories, whether they are those of individuality or combined in unison with others, the Isle of Storm (Storm Island), will take each its readers to a different place entirely, but deliver them all to the same destination – fear.

As the chapters are built and the storylines unravelled, each month I will be posting a single Synopsis to calm many of the burning questions that some readers may have. And, while the Synopsis’s are delivered, so too will the "Storyline” of Severed Ties: The Storyteller’s End.

© Marcus De Storm. All Rights Reserved.

Category: My articles | Added by: MKDS67 (2012-11-07) | Author: Marcus De Storm E W
Views: 562 | Comments: 2 | Tags: marcus de storm, oasn 3, rising dawn, book 3, oasn rising dawn | Rating: 0.0/0
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